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We live in a society of addictions, of bondage to so many things. Maybe you are in bondage to cigarettes, or alcohol, or pornography, or anger, or any number of other things.

Whatever the condition that has you in bondage today, God’s hand and God’s arm can lift you up and untangle you and set you free. In Psalm 98:1 we are told,

His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.

We find repeatedly throughout the Old Testament how, through God’s mighty hand and His outstretched arm, He redeemed His people out of slavery and out of bondage.

Now here is the question. Does it just sort of randomly happen? Do we have to wait and see if we are one of the lucky ones God will choose to extend His mighty arm to help? Or, is there anything that we can do to cooperate with God to see His arm extended in our behalf?

The answer is yes, we can, and we must cooperate with God.

In Isaiah 51:5 God tells us,

“My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, and My arms will judge the peoples; the coastlands will wait upon Me, and on My arm they will trust.”

The way we cooperate with God is to trust in His arm; not in our own arm, but in His. If you want to see God’s mighty arm move on your behalf, then trust Him alone! Do not trust your intelligence, your ingenuity, your education, your status in life, your wealth, or any other thing.

Trust in God alone. And you will have the victory.

Day 5 of the @YouVersion Plan How To Experience The Good Things God Wants For You. Check it out here:

Today during Life Group we will have our big release and burn away letters containing the things we are releasing to God. Literally letting Go and letting God. After tonight we will no longer blame ourselves, have faulty thinking, live other’s lives, harbor emotional stones in our hearts or carry our problems.

I release self-doubt because I am more than worthy of a better life.

I release lack in finances, relationships & love because I’m a good person and I have sown genuinely in all these areas without a demand for reciprocation

I release the stronghold of my last relationship and accept the lessons that it taught me because I deserve better.

I release negative thinking because I am a child of God and that means that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I release the past thoughts of thinking I was a mistake to my father because it’s not my fault and I can’t live life to make him proud. I can only be the best version of me.

I release my mind, body, soul & spirit from deeply rooted stones of my childhood and early adult years because I am ever evolving into the woman that God created me to be and proudly walking in my purpose.

Jocelyn R. Nelson.

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